Monday, May 24, 2010

Hot Mess Moments

I didn't know Dolly Parton and Bozo the clown got together and had a love child? I sincerely hope copious amounts of alcohol was involved in the taking of this photograph. He is the poster boy for alcoholic porcelain gods & goddesses and their Hot Mess Moments.

Say hello to his Hot Mess Moment

Britney Spears. She runs the gambit from hot mess to dress to impress moments. Unfortunately, this is not the latter. Her face appears to be a mix between a small mouth bass and a zombie with an uncontrollable urge, not for human flesh, but for methamphetamines. Were all glad to see you're feeling better, Britney. In this picture you are the drug addicted, driving Diva. And this is your Hot Mess Moment.

Say hello to her Hot Mess Moment.

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